Welcome to column!

Make it look natural but stock. Courtesy of Brendan McCann

Make it look natural but stock. Courtesy of Brendan McCann

Hi there! Welcome to my new column. As a freelance writer, I have the opportunity to write about a lot of different things from dry shampoos to bookstore bars to Huntington’s Disease. However, there’s also a lot of things I don’t always have the chance to write about that I wish I could. Enter: this column!    

On here, I’ll write about anything and everything ­– books, life's struggles, fashion and yes, still tons of beauty. This platform is an opportunity for me to express my most authentic self in my most authentic voice. There’s no catch, no hook and no bullshit.

Over this first week, I’ll be posting a new article every day to celebrate the launch. From then on, I'll continue to put up stories I think are worthy and relevant. A girl's got to sell some ideas to make a living writing after all!

I hope you can enjoy, relate or learn something from this nonsense column. At the very least, I know I will!